Table of Contents


Before you begin, make sure you have:

  1. A Web3-compatible wallet: You'll need a wallet that supports the Palm network. For ease of use and compatibility with PalmDAO, we recommend Metamask.

  2. DAI: Ensure you have sufficient DAI - These are the methods for getting DAI on PALM

    Bridging DAI from ETHEREUM to PALM

    Using Fiat To Buy DAI on PALM

  3. $PALM - This is needed for Gas fees.

  4. Palm network added to your wallet: Follow instructions to add the Palm network to your wallet if you haven't already. You can find the necessary information in the official Palm documentation.

Connect Your Wallet

  1. In the top-right corner, click "Connect Wallet."
  2. Choose your preferred wallet from the available options (e.g., MetaMask).
  3. Grant the necessary permissions to connect the wallet

Getting to the Minting Page

  1. You will then see a list of available Collections below
  2. Select the Collection you wish mint
    1. A green button means the mint is open.
    2. A red button means the mint is closed.