1. Download Metamask wallet to your phone from the App store or Google Play

  2. Create your account by following the steps in the app. You will need to write down your “Secret Recovery Phrase” on a piece of paper and keep it safe. (Ask the Palm Foundation team for help)

  3. Add the Palm Network to your wallet by clicking on the “Wallet” text at the top and adding Palm from the list. Then confirm and switch to Palm.


  1. Click the “Scan” icon in the top right of your app and scan the unique QR code you received


Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 13.29.37.png

  1. Once you’ve scanned the QR code you will be taken to the claim screen, all you need to do is click “Connect Wallet” and confirm.


  1. The Zona Maco POCs are numbered, the number doesn’t affect the one you get. You will be offered the next number available, you can click claim to take it, or enter a number you want or click the random number arrows to be offered another number. If you enter a number somebody has already taken you will get a red light and won’t be able to claim it.


  1. Once you click claim your ZonaMaco POC will be revealed and you can click through to your dashboard. (this can take some time so please be patient if you see a loader for a minute or so)

  2. Now you can participate in the El Patio Votes that are available to you as a unique IRL Zona Maco POC holder!
